Author Watch – Luke Murphy – Marketing Tips from a Marketer

BY IN Author Watch, book marketing, book reviews, marketing NO COMMENTS YET , , , , , ,

Hi All, This is a great Author Watch.  Today will you learn about great marketing tips as well as a great book.  I found Luke’s interview to be inspirational.  One of his points was to encourage indie’s not to give up.  He gives a step by step approach to his marketing and if you look


Author Watch – Monetizing Your Website Just Got Simple – Seriously, Read Me & RT

BY IN Author Watch, authors, book marketing, marketing, promote a book 2 COMMENTS , , , , ,

I just learned about a new tool that can really help to promote your book or your business.  This is not something you should overlook, especially since a former Microsoft techie Matt Dyor created it.  This tool will help you to build an audience and get conversions.  Yes, getting people to pay for your product.


Author Watch – How To Find Readers for Your Book

BY IN Author Watch, book marketing, marketing, promote a book NO COMMENTS YET , , , , , ,

Here is a common problem, you write a book and are thrilled about “getting it out there” and then your labors are not rewarded as you had anticipated because your books are not selling. At that point you have to make the decision to quit or keep going.  Most people will not immediately quit they


My Book Are Not Selling and I Want to Throw in the Towel

BY IN Author Watch, book marketing, promote a book NO COMMENTS YET , , , , ,

Many authors are tempted to throw in the towel when their books don’t sell.  Don’t do it.  Don’t you dare do it.  Throwing in the towel on your books should never be an option.  You just might need to readjust your book or your method.  If you truly want to sell books then it  will


Author Watch – Is KDP Select Dead?

BY IN Author Watch, book marketing, marketing, professional writer, promote a book NO COMMENTS YET , , , , , ,

I would absolutely have to say that KDP select is dead to most authors.  I have heard about many frustrated authors that felt that giving up 90 days of their marketing time for the program did not provide any results.  I must admit that was my frustration too in working with authors.  We would place