Author Watch – Why Some Authors Sell Books and Others Don’t

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It is very easy to get frustrated as an author when your books are not selling.  Why?  Because you have spent so much time on the work and you really want people to take a chance and read what you have written.  Maybe therein lies the problem, expecting people to take a chance.  Sometimes its


Author Watch – Best Ways To Get People To Find Your Book

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To sell your books people have to be able to find your book. Over the last few months I’ve been testing ways to drive more traffic to our authors books. It has taken about 3 months to finally begin to see really good results. Through this process I’ve learned 3 things that have made a


Author Watch – Ellen Palestrant – The Power of Creative Thinking

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Ellen Palestrant is an author to watch.  Her latest book  – Have You Ever Had A Hunch, The Power of Creative Thinking, is now available on  Please enjoy her article on The Power of Creative Thinking.  We hope that it inspires you as much as I have been inspired.   There is power in


Author Watch – Ten Things I Would Do As an Author

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1.The first thing that you need to do is build your own platform. You do this by getting email addresses. Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and the rest are making billions of dollars. The core concept behind their massive ability to do this is because they invested time in getting email address. Amazon has taken


Author Watch – Start Your Year on the Write Foot RT

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Hello all!!! As you know we’ve been busy at Book Marketing Professionals.  For those of you who participated in our Author Catapult Summit with former Disney marketing exec, Ryan Mendenhall, we had a blast.  I just got finished sending out the rewards that the people earned from participating this week.  We gave away free copies